OBM Tec Sorter H1800
Agriculture / Harvester
Europe (Continental): Netherlands
3800 BV Amersfoort Netherlands
Price on Request


== Informationen auf Deutsch ==
Verwendungszweck: Bauwesen
Verwendbares Material: Abfall
Seriennummer: XL916703070203052

== Information in English ==
Field of application: Construction
Applicable material: Waste
Serial number: XL916703070203052
Auction name: OBMtec B.V. (recycling machines) in Buitenpost

Online liquidation auction on instructions of the secured lender, incl.: Recycling machines such as: Morbark shredder, CEC 2-deck screen system, Morbark TUB grinder, Erin finger screen system, OBM sorting machine, Peterson chipper system, Vermeer shredder, OBM (semi manufactured) stump grinders, chippers, cars such as: Scania tractor units, low bed semitrailers, trailers, Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles, Renault Twingo passenger vehicle, etc.

Start of auction: December 11, 2015 17:00 GMT +0200 (Western Europe (DST))
Closing time: December 16, 2015 17:00 GMT +0200 (Western Europe (DST))

The price listed is an opening bid

To participate in the auction and for more information go to:

Please, mention the following number when contacting BVA-auctions: LOTNUMBER 18575-5

== Informatie in het Nederlands ==
Toepassingsgebied: Bouw
Toepassingsmateriaal: Afval
Serienummer: XL916703070203052
Auction name: OBMtec B.V. (recycling machines) in Buitenpost

Online liquidation auction on instructions of the secured lender, incl.: Recycling machines such as: Morbark shredder, CEC 2-deck screen system, Morbark TUB grinder, Erin finger screen system, OBM sorting machine, Peterson chipper system, Vermeer shredder, OBM (semi manufactured) stump grinders, chippers, cars such as: Scania tractor units, low bed semitrailers, trailers, Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles, Renault Twingo passenger vehicle, etc.

Start of auction: December 11, 2015 17:00 GMT +0200 (Western Europe (DST))
Closing time: December 16, 2015 17:00 GMT +0200 (Western Europe (DST))

The price listed is an opening bid

To participate in the auction and for more information go to:

Please, mention the following number when contacting BVA-auctions: LOTNUMBER 18575-5


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